
external force Learn more about external force

  • Will mimosa, which closes immediately when touched by external forces, blossom and bear seeds in summer?

    Will mimosa, which closes immediately when touched by external forces, blossom and bear seeds in summer?

    Mimosa is a perennial herb or subshrub of Leguminosae, which gets its name because its leaves respond to heat and light and close immediately when touched by external forces. Will such a petite mimosa blossom and bear seeds in summer? According to Ms. Li, a flower shop manager in Changsha.

    2020-11-09 Receive external force touch will immediately close mimosa in
  • * * Abudu, a farmer in Jiashi County, relies on raising black-bone chickens to get rich.

    * * Abudu, a farmer in Jiashi County, relies on raising black-bone chickens to get rich.

    * * Abudu, a farmer in Jiashi County, relies on raising black-bone chickens to get rich.

  • How to water mimosa

    How to water mimosa

    Mimosa closes because it is touched by external forces, so it gets its name shy. There are also many people planting mimosa, so how should mimosa be watered? Mimosa is a perennial herb or subshrub of Leguminosae. It is native to tropical South America.

    2020-11-09 Mimosa how watering mimosa by external force touch
  • Use of tea machine

    Use of tea machine

    In the whole process of mechanized processing of high-quality tea from fresh leaves to finished tea, it is necessary to deal with two relations: one is the relationship between heat and water vapor, and the other is the relationship between mechanical force and shape. The heat energy causes the biochemical change of the tea, and the force is to change the appearance of the tea by external force. In the specific use, attention should be paid to: 1. Before operation, each machine should be trial run, and observe whether the temperature and other technical parameters can meet the technological requirements of famous and high-quality tea, such as the killing time of fresh leaves, the general spring tea is 1: 10, summer tea is 50 "~ 1, Maofeng tea is baked.

  • Vibrating Red Leaf tribe 02 "Why are they anti-geothermal? The Mesozoic generation awakened to participate in the war, refusing external forces to determine the fate of the tribe.

    Vibrating Red Leaf tribe 02

    Vibrating Red Leaf tribe 02 "Why are they anti-geothermal? The Mesozoic generation awakened to participate in the war, refusing external forces to determine the fate of the tribe.

  • How to get earthworm manure by raising earthworms

    How to get earthworm manure by raising earthworms

    Bait method: put new feed next to the breeding bed to attract earthworms, and the earthworm manure can be removed from the breeding bed. Frame leakage method: put the earthworms and feces into the wire leakage net together, shake hard, and the earthworms can collect feces by external force.

    2020-11-08 Culture earthworms how fetch dung abstract bait method in culture bed
  • Agricultural production will continue to be under import pressure this year

    Agricultural production will continue to be under import pressure this year

    Affected by the growth of domestic demand, the expansion of internal and external price differences and the fluctuation trough of the international market, China's agricultural imports continued to grow at a high level in 2014. In terms of specific products, grain imports increased significantly, while oilseed vegetable oil imports remained stable as a whole.

    2016-03-20 This year agricultural production will continue bear import pressure and be affected by
  • The Challenge of Hollow in Rural areas and its solution

    The Challenge of Hollow in Rural areas and its solution

    With the rapid progress of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of rural population has transferred to cities and towns, especially to big cities, resulting in increasingly serious rural hollowing out. And gradually evolved from population hollowing out to the integration of population, land, technology, industry, services, culture and public facilities.

    2016-01-10 Rural areas hollowing out challenges and their solutions along with
  • Prevention and treatment of joint sprain in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of joint sprain in pigs

    1. The cause of the disease is that the joint is twisted by external force, which leads to the incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. two。 Symptoms suddenly occur claudication or walking on three limbs, the affected area is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. 3. Avoid strong action during prevention and capture and avoid jumping out of vehicle during transportation. The following prescriptions can be applied at the initial stage: (1) external application: 2 parts of ① vinegar and 1 part of quicklime, mix well, 1-2 times a day. ② leek 50-100g plus

  • The method of bending the branches of Elm Bonsai

    The method of bending the branches of Elm Bonsai

    Taking the bend is a modeling method often used in the creation of bonsai works, and we need to master certain skills before the operation, otherwise it may lead to failure and cause loss to the branches, thus weakening the tree potential and affecting the ornamental value at the same time.

  • What if the leaf core of the new orchid plant is rotten?

    What if the leaf core of the new orchid plant is rotten?

    What if the leaf core of the new orchid plant is rotten?

  • What if the leaf core of the new orchid plant is rotten?

    What if the leaf core of the new orchid plant is rotten?

    What if the leaf core of the new orchid plant is rotten?

  • [characteristics of mimosa] introduction to the function and appearance of mimosa

    [characteristics of mimosa] introduction to the function and appearance of mimosa

    [characteristics of mimosa] introduction to the function and appearance of mimosa

  • Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Due to the action of external force, the joint is twisted, resulting in incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. Symptoms: sudden claudication or walking with three limbs, the affected part is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. Treatment: 2 parts of ① vinegar, 1 part of quicklime, mix well, once or twice a day. ② leek 50-100g plus soju 100-50g, mash external application. 75 grams of ③ frankincense, 75 grams of myrrh, 100 grams of gardenia, 25 grams of safflower, mix well with vinegar

  • Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Due to the action of external force, the joint is twisted, resulting in incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. Symptoms: sudden claudication or walking with three limbs, the affected part is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. Treatment: 2 parts of ① vinegar, 1 part of quicklime, mix well, once or twice a day. ② leek 50-100g plus soju 100-50g, mash external application. 75 grams of ③ frankincense, 75 grams of myrrh, 100 grams of gardenia, 25 grams of safflower, mix well with vinegar, wrap the affected part

  • Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    The fracture of the bone caused by the impact of external force is called fracture (also known as incomplete fracture), and the fracture is called fracture (also known as complete fracture). The joint head of the bone leaves the joint fossa and cannot be automatically restored, which is called dislocation. When the two opposite articular surfaces can not touch each other completely, it is called complete dislocation, and the partial contact between the two articular surfaces is called incomplete dislocation. 1. The cause of traumatic fracture is caused by various mechanical violent shocks, such as whipping, fighting, falling, jumping, etc., such as rickets, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis

  • Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    The fracture of the bone caused by the impact of external force is called fracture (also known as incomplete fracture), and the fracture is called fracture (also known as complete fracture). The joint head of the bone leaves the joint fossa and cannot be automatically restored, which is called dislocation. When the two opposite articular surfaces can not touch each other completely, it is called complete dislocation, and the partial contact between the two articular surfaces is called incomplete dislocation. 1. The cause of traumatic fracture is caused by a variety of mechanical violence, such as whipping, fighting, falling, jumping, etc., rickets, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis prone to fracture.

  • Can orthodontics be done after dental implants?

    Can orthodontics be done after dental implants?

    Debe dental implant Yao Qiang, pay attention to your oral health! There are always things in life that can't have both, such as some patients after dental implants.

  • Ways to avoid rotten buds

    Ways to avoid rotten buds

    Belongs to the spring orchid variety multi-tongue peony petal strange flower. Leaf length 20-35cm, leaf width 0.5-0.8cm, each plant has 5 leaves, the new buds are reddish, and occasionally the new seedlings grow to about 4 inches without fading red; the flowers are high above the shelf, the outer three lobes are normal, the nasal column is necrotic, and when the seedlings are strong, there are more than 10 lips, which are arranged radially, dignified in shape and overall.

  • How to raise mimosa, how to simply raise a healthy mimosa

    How to raise mimosa, how to simply raise a healthy mimosa

    How to raise mimosa, how to simply raise a healthy mimosa
